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Community Tourism Resources

Find resources from all over the world that promote and sustain Community Tourism which benefits locals not corporations or governments. We hope these resources will help you to become the sustainable tourist you want to be!

From Latin America to China there is resources for as many countries as you can think of. At Fair Tourism we do as much as we can to make your experience as a sustainable tourist seamless. With our comprehensive list below we hope that it meets all your needs for information and options. Do you have any other good resources you think we should add to this list? Contact us here to get it added!

If you are interested in resources related to the Kayan in Thailand, who Fair Tourism work with directly, click here now.

The green gecko project – sociale ondernemingen in Cambodja

ResiRest – Boek hier je lokale maaltijd

Backstreet Academy – Geweldige ervaringen met de locals

Local Alike – gemeenschapstoerisme in Zuidoost Azië

Home Hosted Meals – Bij de locals thuis eten

Mekong Responsible Tourism – E-guide duurzaam toerisme naar China, Cambodja, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam en Myanmar

CBT Vietnam – Community-based tourism activiteiten in Sapa, waaronder homestays

CBT-N-CC – Thailand Community Based Tourism Network Coordination Centre

Fair Trek – Connecting locals and visitors in Laos

Village homestay in Battambang – Verslag over deze homestay in Battambang, Cambodja

REDTURS – Netwerk voor community tourism in Latijns Amerika

Pantanal Tours – Reisorganisatie die ook een 6-daagse community tour organiseert door het natuurgebied Pantanal in Brazilië

ASSET Gambia – Association of Small Scale Enterprises in Tourism

FTTSA – Fair Trade in Tourism South Africa

UCOTA – Uganda Community Tourism Association

Imbizi – Duurzaam op reis door Namibië

Ontmoet Afrika – Vrijwilligerswerk of vakantie bij de lokale bevolking in Ghana en Kameroen

Dreamcatcher Foundation – Community tourism in Zuid-Afrika

Tikondane Community Centre – Vrijwilligerswerk en community tourism in Katete, Zambia

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