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Travel2Connect – Internship or volunteer work in The Gambia

Kara-Tunga Arts & Tours – Community tourism in Uganda

Better Places – Online platform that connects travellers to local travel professionals

Ghana Verkeersbureau – Information on community-based tourism in Ghana via website, travel guide and movie

World of Wildlife – Worldwide support to local wildlife projects

JoHo – (Inter)national organisation on international cooperation, volunteer work and travel

Europees Centrum voor Eco en Agro Toerisme (ECEAT) – Green accommodations in Europa

ECEAT Projects – sustainable tourism projects

Travel Oké – sustainable tourism consultancy

Paseo – Solidaridad farmers tourism programme

WNF-Reizen – Trips to natural areas

IUCN NL en toerisme – biodiversity and tourism

Informatie Verre Reizen – Publishing House of travel guides (te gast in)

Verre reizen met kinderen – responsible travel with kids

NCIV – Dutch Centre for Indigenous peoples

Trees for all – Carbon neutral travel

GreenSeat – Carbon neutral flying

Afrika Studie Centrum – Scientific research centre on Africa, also on tourism

African Parks Foundation – Assists the management of unknown wildlife areas in Africa

DAARI – Travel to India the Indian way

Lenalua – small-scale tourism to the Brazilian Amazon

Stichting Source Connection – small-scale tourism project in Zambia

Duurzaam Natuurbeheer Noord-Peru – Nature protection in Northern Peru. They also organise an ecotourism trip

Bureau Verantwoord – Coffeetour to Nicaragua

Strawberry Earth – Don’t just buy green – buy awesome

Nukuhiva – Fair Trade retail shop by TV personality & world traveler Floortje Dessing, that also organizes sustaiinable travel

De Betere Wereld – Consumer portal on sustainable living, including a travel and recreation section

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