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United Nations – 2017 International year of sustainable tourism for development

Equality in Tourism – Advocates for equal involvement for women in tourism

Rewilding Europe – Rewilding one million hectares of land by 2022 and exploring new ways for people to earn a fair living from the wild

International Ecotourism Society (TIES) – Uniting conservation, communities and sustainable travel

Tourism Concern – Action for ethical tourism

Pro-Poor Tourism – Tourism as a way to end poverty – Platform for ecotourism

International Institute for Peace through Tourism – Supports tourism projects that promote peace & sustainability

Travel Foundation – Sustainable tourism organisation in the U.K.

Business Enterprises for Sustainable Travel – U.K. knowledge centre on sustainable travel

International Tourism Partnership – Membership organisation for sustainable tourism

Sustainable Travel International – Sustainable tourism organisation in the U.S.

Europese Unie – European destinations of excellence (EDEN)

Europese Commissie – European sustainable tourism programme

World Tourism Organization – STEP (Sustainable Tourism – Eliminating Poverty) programme

UNESCO World Heritage – UNESCO’s sustainable tourism programme

UN Environment – sustainable tourism programme

International Institute for Environment and Development – Policy and research institute for sustainable development, including tourism

International Labour Organization – Hotels, catering and tourism sector

Overseas Development Institute – Pro-poor tourism programme

DestiNet – Sustainable tourism information portal

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