In the rainforest of the Upper Suriname area, is the Danpaati River Lodge. Sustainable tourism and health care go hand in hand here. The lodge supports the health project of the Bonama Foundation, which aims to improve care and development, with an emphasis on self-reliance. This area is home to the saramaccans, who have their own traditional beliefs, artistic expressions, architectural style and rituals. The inhabitants of the surrounding villages are trained and supervised to provide care to older villagers. A family home has also been set up near the lodge to care for the elderly, small children and babies.
The Lodge is built on a small island in traditional Saramaccan architecture, using natural products. As a tourist you can undertake special activities here, such as searching for caimans during a night excursion or take a forest walk through the surrounding villages. You can also try out art forms that have been performed by the people of the area themselves for centuries. For more information about the Danpaati River Lodge, click here.