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Plastic in Asia

Most of the plastic waste comes from a small group of countries. These countries are mainly located in Asia. Tourism and the economy in these countries are growing rapidly but often no efficient recycling programme has been developed. Half of the plastic produced is only used once before it is Discarded. In Cambodia, the RefillNOTlandfill project was set up to reduce plastic products. The project works together with the tourists and many leading organisations in Cambodia.

Refill NOT Landfill, environmentally responsible travel

Water refill stations have been installed throughout the country, these are mainly located in hotels, restaurants, cafes and NGOs. Most refill stations are located in Siem Reap, the tourist attraction in Cambodia. Outside Siem Reap, a growing number of water stations are located in Phnom Penh, Sihanoukville, Battambang, Kampot and Kep. Using an online map on their website, it is easy to find the refill stations. The RefillNOTlandfill reusable water bottle, which is available in many different locations, can be refill stations for free. The purchase of one reusable bottle means free purified water and no more plastic water bottles for the rest of the holiday. The rapid increase in collaborations increased the number of refill stations in and outside Siem Reap quickly. At the moment, the focus of the project is in Cambodia but collaborations are being developed in surrounding countries. 

Slowly becoming a plastic-free Cambodia

The local population is becoming increasingly aware of the harmful effects of the use of plastic. It is not only active co-working with the project RefllNOTlandfill, in surrounding villages waste is cleaned up, waste is more often in bins and fewer plastic products are purchased. Everyone contributes. 

For more information, watch our video 

For more information about a number of RefillNOTlandfill partners, please contact the following websites:
Jaya House RiverPark
Phare The Cambodian Circus
Resort La Villa Lotti
Lubd Hostel
Sister Srey
Little Red Fox
The Angor Hospital for Children

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